The Wild Orchid Home Page

From Your Favorite Des Moines Florist,

The Wild Orchid Custom Floral Design

Best Des Moines Flower Shop 515-276-4600

Same Day Flower Delivery 7 Days a Week When You Call In Your Order

Florist Delivery: Regular Hours and After 5pm


Des Moines Florist:   As you probably know, we are still dealing with the effects of the shut-downs from last year and the disruptions to our supply chain in a very real way. From product shortages and availability issues to logistical challenges in getting our flowers from outside countries, it will take some time to completely repair the supply chain and get back to 100% normalcy.
Your LOCAL Florist
Color Your Mood With Flowers

  Flower Delivery Des Moines Area
After 5pm and  Regular Weekend delivery available too!

We will custom design a floral order just for you.

Our New Black and White
Hat Boxes – 3 Sizes


Floral Arrangements
Homemade Cookies
Wine and Spa Gift Baskets
Plants & Terrariums


Terrariums and

Gift Baskets make great gifts,

Give us a call to order yours today!

We will deliver flowers all over Des Moines and  surrounding suburb area even after hours and on weekends.

Our flowers are the healthiest and best flowers in Des Moines.

 des moines florist

Add a home made dog treat for the pet in the house.
This months flavor Apple Cheddar Bacon

 des moines florist

We are a quality Florist in Des Moines Iowa, 515-276-4600 Our items are hand made and unique.
We pride ourselves on the artful designs, and detailed Des Moines Florist arrangements.
Call us for something special, something wonderful. We will deliver it to their hands.

 The Wild Orchid features 100's of designs in all price ranges. Look over our extensive selection of Flowers, Arrangements,515-276-4600Order A Dozen Roses Today, and Join the Monthly Flower Club for 3, 6 or 12 Months

for $45.00 per month.


Call Us Today 515-276-4600

Des Moines Florist

des moines florist

Of course we rent Orchids for your office or event. Our healthy beautiful exotics can create an atmosphere like no other. Proper flowers are a business edge and make a statement to everyone who sees them.

Monthly Orchids Are Also Available for 3, 6 or 12 Months at $45.00 per Delivery.  Call Us at 515-276-4600 and Order Your Orchids Today!

Des Moines Florist

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