Choosing a Flower Arrangement for a Man’s funeral or Memorial service
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help you decide on the perfect choice of flowers. While most flower varieties are suitable for a man’s funeral, there are some that are considered as more neutral or a masculine choice. Below we have listed some of the more popular choices for a man’s funeral or memorial service.
In addition to the type of flower and the choice of arrangement there are also colors that are considered more appropriate for men, colors viewed as more masculine. Usually primary colors or neutral colors are considered the best choice. Softer colors like pink, lavender and light blue are often considered as feminine.
While this has been written as a guide, there are no firm rules. Often the best choices are the favorite colors of the departed, or his favorite flowers. For example, for a sports fan you might choose the colors of his favorite team and include a personal item in the arrangement that was special to him. For a gardener you might choose an arrangement that includes his favorite flowers.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call. We are always happy to assist you to choose the perfect floral arrangement.
Our Most Popular Funeral flower Choices for Men
All Rose funeral flower tribute with more than 12 dozen roses. Our #1 choice for men. Roses are a perfect choice for men, and red is a masculine symbol of love. This traditional all rose tribute is the most often chose flowers for a man’s funeral. | Traditional white gladiolus arrangement This traditional gladiolus arrangement is one of our most popular floral arrangements. There are many masculine colors that you can choose from making this an excellent choice for man’s funeral or memorial or as sympathy flowers. |
![All Rose funeral flower tribute has more than 12 dozen roses](
![traditional white gladiolus arrangement](
Flower Ideas for Men, Dad
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