How to Make an Easter Centerpiece
I spotted an amazing Easter centerpiece in Southern Living back in 2015. I was totally in awe of the mechanics and art that went into creating this lovely arrangement. You can see more of my crafts and creations here.
I knew I wanted to take a stab at making this myself, but I ran into a number of challenges that I finally conquered this year! The first being that I could not find a fishbowl with a small opening like the one used by Southern Living.

Finally I settled on this glass bowl that is 9 and a half inches deep and 9 inches across at the opening. This would have to do. This size is easy to find at Hobby Lobby or Michaels. IMPORTANT: Do not ever pick up one of these bowls by the rim, make sure you carry it from the bottom and sides. The rim can break off easily .

A floral cage would not fit across the top of this bowl and I really didn’t want water sitting in the bottom of my bowl beneath the carrots. Setting a plastic salad plate across the top of the bowl seemed to be the answer. I drilled two holes in one of two plastic plates and four holes in a second plate.

First, I cut the green tops off of my carrots. Using floral wire, I stuck the wire through my carrots and gathered them into a tight bunch.

The wires from the carrots were pulled up through the two holes in the first plate, securing the carrots hanging beneath. I did tuck a couple of little carrot greens into the top of the carrots to hide any wires that might show.

It is very important to secure the plates to the glass bowl. I used waterproof floral table to do this.

A piece of wet floral foam was secured into a cage and that cage was then anchored to the second plate through the four drilled holes. This second plate can then be set upon the first and also firmly anchored with additional waterproof tape.

Carrot tops were the first thing I added to my arrangement.

Radishes and brussel sprouts were put on bamboo skewers to add them among the flowers to my arrangement.

I don’t think I could be happier with how my arrangement turned out. Now, if only I had Southern Living’s photographers capturing mine! This will be a lovely centerpiece for my Easter table. I hope I have inspired you and have offered you enough details that you can create this for yourself! I would love to have you stop by my blog, Celebrate & Decorate for the full tutorial as well as sign up for my latest creations, posts, recipes, exclusives, and more…